WavePro 7Zi
Histogram Root Mean Square
hist rms
Histogram Root Mean Square
The rms value of the values in a histogram.
The center value of each populated bin is squared and multiplied by the population (height) of the
bin. All results are summed and the total is divided by the population of all the bins. The square
root of the result is returned as hrms.
Using the histogram shown here, the value for hrms is:
hrms =
= 2.87
Histogram Top
hist top
Histogram Top
The value of the rightmost of the two most populated peaks in a histogram. This parameter is
useful for waveforms with two primary parameter values, such as TTL voltages, where htop would
indicate the binary `1' voltage value.
The two highest histogram peaks are determined. The rightmost of the two identified peaks is then
selected. The center of that peak is htop (center is the horizontal point where the population to the
left is equal to the area to the right).
Summary of Contents for DDA 7 Zi series
Page 1: ...Operator s Manual WavePro SDA and DDA 7 Zi Series Oscilloscopes ...
Page 2: ... L R R H HUD RU D D ...
Page 41: ...Operator s Manual WP700Zi OM E RevA 40 The detachable WavePro Zi front panel ...
Page 376: ...WavePro 7Zi 375 WP700Zi OM E RevA Absolute Offset Relative ...
Page 439: ...Operator s Manual WP700Zi OM E RevA 438 ...
Page 440: ...WavePro 7Zi 439 WP700Zi OM E RevA ...
Page 544: ...Thank you for purchasing a WavePro SDA or DDA 7 Zi Oscilloscope ...