4.3.5 Closing the
Vacuum Chamber and
Radiation Shield
Follow this procedure to close the vacuum chamber and radiation shield.
Lake Shore recommends that you practice imaging the sample and landing the probes
(section 4.6) before closing the vacuum chamber and radiation shield for cool down.
1. Using the 2.5 mm hex driver, attach the radiation shield lid to the radiation shield
body. Start all M3 screws in a few threads before tightening any screws to pre-
vent cross-threading (FIGURE 4-7).
2. Securely tighten all eight screws; this is the source of thermal contact between
the lid and shield body.
3. Clean the o-ring groove in the vacuum chamber. Clean, inspect and lightly grease
the o-ring with vacuum grease and place it in the groove. (FIGURE 4-8). Make
sure that the o-ring does not twist as it is being installed.
4. Place the vacuum chamber lid onto the o-ring (FIGURE 4-8).
5. Push down squarely on the vacuum chamber lid and turn the quarter-turn fas-
teners until they lock into place. Do not attempt to tighten the fasteners, as the
vacuum force will draw the lid down and form a tight seal.
The quarter turn fasteners should never be forced; if they do not engage smoothly,
push down firmly on the vacuum chamber lid before engaging them.
Attaching the lid to the radiation shield body
Left: Placing the o-ring in the chamber groove; Right: Placing the chamber lid onto the o-ring