4.3.2 Removing The
Sample Holder
Follow this procedure to remove the sample holder.
1. If you are removing an optional triaxial or coaxial sample holder, disconnect the
signal cable before removing the sample holder from the sample stage
(FIGURE 4-4). Using tweezers or your fingers, pull the cable plug out of the sam-
ple holder socket. The cable can be left as shown in FIGURE 4-4.
Be very careful that the tweezers do not slip off the cable plug and onto the wire,
where they can accidentally pull the wire out of the connector.
2. Screw the lifter tool into the sample holder. There are two holes available for the
lifter. Use the most convenient (FIGURE 4-5).
3. Using the 2.5 mm hex driver, loosen the four M3 screws. Be careful not to drop
them inside the chamber.
4. Lift the screws out with tweezers, or leave them in their holes and lift them out
with the sample holder.
5. Using the lifter tool, lift out the sample holder and screws. Store the sample
holder in a clean place until needed.
6. If the probe station is not going to be used immediately, it should be reassembled
and evacuated.
Left: Disconnecting the triaxial sample holder; Right: Cable plug left out after disconnecting
Lifter tool screwed into a lifter tool hole