Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Model CRX-6.5K Probe Station
6.2.8 Cleaning
Probe Points
The points on microwave tips are extremely delicate and require great care in both
handling and cleaning. General Cleaning
1. Immerse the probe tip only in a bath of isopropyl alcohol or acetone in an ultra-
sonic cleaner.
2. Cycle the ultrasonic cleaner on and off in very short bursts several times. If you do
not have an ultrasonic cleaner, simply dip the tip into a bath of acetone.
3. Finish with a rinse in isopropyl alcohol.
4. Allow the probe to air dry thoroughly for several hours (preferably overnight)
before use so that no liquid remains within the air gap between the points, or a
short will result.
Do not use high velocity compressed air directly on the probe tip; the nozzle must be
kept 10 in to 12 in away if used. Do not use a brush or cotton swab to wipe the probe
tip. Removing Oxidation
1. Tape a piece of clean card stock or heavy paper onto the sample holder.
2. Touch the probe down on the paper slightly so that the ground points begin to
flex and slowly drag the probe backward across the paper a distance of 1 mm.
Do not drive the tip forward into the paper, or you will damage the points.
3. In severe cases, touch the probe tips down onto a piece of smooth ceramic and
drag the probe backwards 1 mm.
This process quickly removes the oxide, but also removes some of the tip material and
can result in reduced probe life.
4. After removing oxidation, clean the probe as described in section
6.2.9 Probe Arm
The probe arms and stages require very little maintenance; however, some of the
fasteners do need to be re-tightened periodically due to thermal cycling or repeated
movement. Fasteners associated with thermal interfaces, electrical conduction and
mechanical stability should be checked regularly. The instructions for re-tightening
these components are the same as those for installation or operation so they are not
repeated here.
Tightening the braid block:
please reference step 5 in section if you need to
tighten a braid block.
Tightening the probe mount:
please reference step 4 in section
Tightening the arm shield braids:
please reference FIGURE 5-8 in section 5.3.1.
Tightening the probe arm into the probe arm base:
follow this procedure to tighten the
probe arm.
1. Remove the micro-manipulated stage using the instructions in section 5.3.2.
2. Remove the probe arm and base using the instructions in section 5.3.3.
3. Using the 10 mm wrench, tighten the locknut that secures the threaded brass
anchor of the probe arm to the hex standoff of the probe arm base while keeping
the probe arm oriented properly.
4. Install the probe arm and base using the instructions in section 5.3.4.
5. Install the micro-manipulated stage using the instructions in section 5.3.1.