Technical Documentation
ipf electronic GmbH
Lüdenscheid, Germany
Contains a colour from („or“):
the field of view must contain one of the selected colours, the
minimum colour proportion (in %) that must be present can also be adjusted.
Contains all colours fr
om („and“):
the field of view must contain all of the selected colours
You can use the buttons on the right to edit the minimum areas of the colours for the respective field
of view, or to delete the entire field of view.
Automatic brightness correction
In order to be independent of fluctuations in the ambient light, the device offers a means of automatically
correcting the brightness.
Use, do not carry reference area:
Here, a field of view is defined as a reference area, for example by
attaching a white label to the edge of the conveyor belt (static). The brightness correction is now guided by
the brightness of this area.
Use, carry reference area:
This function is only available in connection with part location.
A field of view is
still used as the reference area. However, this is carried with the position correction. The brightness
correction is now guided by the brightness of this carried area.