Technical Documentation
ipf electronic GmbH
Lüdenscheid, Germany
For each edge, you must specify whether the edge progresses from bright to dark or
from dark to bright.
Minimum contrast:
Specify whether you are searching for an edge with sharp or weak contrast.
On the
tab, there are further options for influencing the result of the feature check.
The switching points designated
are adjusted on the right hand side. To do this, the
corresponding criterion must be activated. A graphic display is located in the middle, in which the
positions of the switching points are displayed and where they can be changed.
The button on the right inverts the result of the respective partial check for this feature check.
Minimum distance:
Define the criteria for the smallest distance value located.
Maximum distance:
Define the criteria for the largest distance value located.
Difference (max. - min. distance):
Define the criteria for the difference between the smallest and
largest distance values located.
Greatest difference between adjacent distances:
Determine the criteria for the greatest difference
between directly adjacent distances.
Mean distance:
Define the criteria for the average of all distance values located.
Standard difference:
Define the criteria for the standard difference for all distance values located.