Technical Documentation
ipf electronic GmbH
Lüdenscheid, Germany
12.1.3 Part location on circle
With this feature check, you can align a round object with regard to its centre. It is also possible to correct the
angle of rotation on the basis of an edge along the object.
In this example, the shape of the ring-pull on a drinks can is examined. The angle of rotation is determined
and corrected by the soft sensor "Part location in a circle".
This feature check does not support external teach. If a teach procedure is still executed, the parameters set
will be maintained.
Configuration for part location on a circle as follows:
Select the shape of the field of view. A circular ring and a circular ring sector can be chosen.
Draw the inner and outer reference circles with the mouse.
The inspection of a circle is always conducted along the individual segments from circle A to circle B
and in the direction indicated by the blue arrows.
Adjust the edge length, transition type and contrast until the circle is reliably detected.