6 Troubleshooting
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Fault Symptom
Possible Cause
Deceleration or
motor coast to stop
at deceleration or
no braking ability
Encoder cable is broke or speed
lost protection is valid.
Check the encoder wiring at FVC
(F0-01 = 1):
If the braking resistor has been
configured, set the voltage limit
selection parameter to invalid (F3-23
= 0).
Note for dual-axis models:
When A1 is selected to be the current axis, and failed somehow
the operating
screen shows a corresponding fault code directly.
If the A2 fails and A1 does not, the screen displays
to show A2 axis
If the current axis is A2, and A1 axis fails, the screen displays the
failure notice.
If both axes are faulty, then the screen shows current axis failure notice directly.
Fault name
Screen Display
Fault Cause
Fault Handling
A1 axis fault
A1 axis fails due to the
corresponding A1 fault code
Handle the fault based on
the fault code
A2 axis fault
A2 axis fails due to the
corresponding A2 fault code
Handle the fault based on
the fault code