Minifors 2 - Benchtop Bioreactor
Before Cultivation
07 February 2019
Fill reagent bottles with heat-resistant reagents only. Sterilise
non-heat-resistant feed solution separately and only transfer it to
the reagent bottle after sterilising.
Place the reagent bottles in reagent bottle and pump holders.
Attach the correct silicone hoses to available hose connec-
tions of each reagent bottle and secure them with cable ties.
Close silicone hoses with clamps as close as possible to the
hose connections of the reagent bottles to ensure that no rea-
gent can flow into the culture vessel.
Ensure that:
each reagent bottle is connected with the appropriate
pump according to its contents. (Base to base pump,
filters are clean and dry; short hose line is open.
Cap the filter loosely with aluminium foil.
8.1.23 Sterile Hose Connections
If additional vessels are needed and these can only be connected
to the culture vessel after autoclaving, such as vessels for the inoc-
ulum or bottles for sampling etc., rapid couplings (male/female),
sterile connectors or – if weldable hoses are used – a hose welding
device can be used to form a sterile connection.
The connection pieces must be fitted to the appropriate hoses be-
fore autoclaving
Rapid couplings are connected after autoclaving
in a sterile workbench. Sterile connectors and hose welding de-
vices allow sterile connecting without a sterile workbench.