If there is damage or wear:
Replace the timing chain guide rail.
Check the timing chain securing guide
for damage and wear.
If there is damage or wear:
Replace the timing chain securing guide.
Check camshaft gears
for damage and wear.
If there is damage or wear:
Change the camshaft.
Check timing chain (3 for damage and wear.
If there is damage or wear:
Change the timing chain.
Let the timing chain hang down freely. Check the timing chain links for smooth operation.
The chain links no longer align in a straight line:
Change the timing chain.
17.4.32 Preparing the timing chain tensioner for installation
Press the timing chain tensioner together completely.
This requires some force, as the oil must be pressed
Release the timing chain tensioner.
✓ Without pressure, the timing chain tensioner expands
Place two compensating disks or similar aids next to the tim
ing chain tensioner piston. This ensures that, when pressed
in, the piston cannot go in all the way.
Thickness of the compen
sating disks
2 ... 2.5 mm (0.08 ...
0.098 in)
Release the timing chain tensioner.
✓ The detent mechanism engages and the piston remains
in place.
Final position of the pis
ton after engagement
3 mm (0.12 in)
This position is necessary for installation.
If the timing chain tensioner is now pressed again and
is only extended a maximum of half way (it is pre
vented from extending completely). This locks the
detent mechanism and the timing chain tensioner can
no longer be squeezed together. This function is nec
essary in order to ensure sufficient timing chain ten
sion even at low oil pressures.