MAN0923_Issue 3_04/15
Touchpoint Pro
Operating Instructions
6. Commissioning
7. Otherwise, use
to return to the System Status screen
Note: Touchpoint Pro does not adjust automatically for daylight savings time.
Note: If the date and time are changed to a time in the past (for example ending daylight savings time),
Touchpoint Pro will retain the backup of previous data but this backed up data will not be available in the
generated reports.
In the current version there is no provision to check or get the data back and generate the report, though the
data is available in backup.
6.4 Program Users and Passwords
The Touchpoint Pro is supplied with a default Administrator login and password attached to the
touchscreen. For security reasons at least one new Administrator account should be created during
commissioning, and the default account should then be deleted. Two Administrator accounts are safer than
one as lost passwords cannot be recovered.
A Honeywell authorised engineer can rescue a locked-out Administrator, but this requires an on-site Service
call and installation of a special token and one-time pass phrase.
Note: Administrator level access is required to create an Administrator level user.
Note: User names and passwords are case sensitive. Operator level users cannot change passwords via PC
Configuration software.
A maximum number of 20 users can be added to the Touchpoint Pro system. An Administrator level user
can create other Administrator and lower level users. An Engineer level user can create other Engineer and
lower level users. It is recommended that, when no longer required, the default user “Touchpoint Pro” is
deleted or has the password changed to prevent unauthorised access.
The following rules apply to user names and passwords:
The user name must be 4 to 20 characters long
The password cannot contain the user name
The password must be 8 to 10 characters long
The password must contain a mix of letters, numbers and symbols
The password cannot contain a string of three or more repeated characters
Passwords with repeated characters may be rejected
Caution: Touchpoint Pro allows login by the same user from different access points (local User
Interface, Web Server etc.). To maintain traceability of system operation and changes, ensure good
discipline is maintained with regard to security of login details.