WARNING: Disconnect and lockout AC primary power prior to servicing
4.4 GUI Display Screen
The home screen is the default display screen at turn on or from the logon screen. The
screen has three areas. The right section is the transmitter control section, this is the
GUI version of the front control panel. The large upper left section displays status and
various meter readings. The tabs along the bottom of the this screen section allow
paging to different display information screens. When the symbol in the tab turns from
green to red, it indicates a fault and picking that red tab will take you to that fault screen.
The symbol
indicates that pushing that button opens a page with more information,
sometimes called a "drill-down" button.
The bottom left screen is called the fault log, in reality it is an event log, logging events
that are a change in status. Active faults are indicated by the event having a red
background. A yellow background is a warning, something is out of range, but no
action has been taken. This part of the display can also display the password access,
blink code and help screens.
4.4.1 Fault & Event Screen
This screen logs events and faults, warning events have a yellow background, faults a
red background. There are two buttons to the right to page up and page down. The clear
button will clear all information except active alarms.