WARNING: Disconnect and lockout AC primary power prior to servicing
divider. The five buttons to the right of the metering screen select 5 further display
screens: Summary, Faults, Meters, Control, and the Service screen.
The left block titled Exciters shows which Exciter is selected and the power output of
that Exciter. The A and B buttons can be used to change Exciters. The surround of the
active Exciter button will turn green, indicating the Active status. The small inner button
will indicate Fault status, green is no Fault, red indicates a Fault.
The back up/alternate Exciter button will indicate the status of the backup Exciter,
green center is no faults and red center indicates that exciter has a fault.
The next block to the right is the control block for the Exciter Switcher. This is needed
for two-Exciter systems. There are two switching modes; manual and automatic.
Manual mode only responds to operator action. In automatic mode, the Exciter
Switcher logic monitors the RF level. If the level is lower than a set point, it will switch
to the other Exciter if that Exciter is above the set level. Certain control functions such
as VSWR foldback will inhibit Exciter switching.
The next block, Drivers, meters the drive power at the input of the PA power divider.
The last block is metering of the AGC voltage for the individual cabinet AGC modules.
Figure 4-6 Drive Tab, Fault Button
The fault information to the left is from the exciter, reporting any faults if they occur.
The right column displays the Drive status.