WARNING: Disconnect and lockout AC primary power prior to servicing
8.3.5 Locating Failed RF FETs DC Resistance Test
The most common symptom of a bad FET is an ISO fault (3 blinks). Using a analog or
digital multimeter (or equal), measure the DC resistance from the gate to ground of each
FET. This is done with the module on the bench with neither RF or DC power applied.
Compare the resistance measured from one FET to the next. The resistance indicated
will vary with the voltage of the multimeter used. A resistance on one FET significantly
lower than the others indicates a bad FET or leakage in a gate chip capacitor.
If no FET indicates a low gate to ground resistance proceed to idle current testing. Idle Current Test
First, it is necessary to determine the original bias current per FET, and to determine on
which quarter module the failed FET lies. For this procedure, no RF drive will be
applied; however, a RF load resistor should still be placed at the module output to
prevent oscillation.
Starting with the first quarter module (nearest the logic board) and working toward the
front handle, measure the total idle current of each quarter module in turn. Either insert
a current meter in line with the 50 Volt wire at TB1, or use a clamp-on DC current meter
if available. With no RF drive applied, apply 50 Volts and enable the module. Note the
quarter module current, disable the module, remove the 50 Volts and move the current
meter to the next quarter module.
If no current meter of sufficient range is available, a small resistance can be placed in
series with the 50 V line, and the voltage drop used to calculate current from Ohms Law
(I=V/R). Values from 0.1 to 0.2 ohms should be satisfactory. A sensitive digital meter
with a millivolts range is needed to use this technique.
After taking the current measurements on each quarter module, determine the correct
bias current setting per FET. A bias current value marked on the hold down spring
should be used instead of this chart.
Analog and Platinum-i Modules:
Driver: Low Band1.0 Amp, High Band, Quarters # 1&2 = 400mA, 3&4=1.0 Amp.
HB&LB PAs: all FETs bias at 300 or 400ma, check hold down spring bar.