Managing the Encoder
Configuring Streaming Outputs
X User’s Guide, v2.2, Issue 02
Path Max Bandwidth
Estimated link bandwidth. This can change due to
cross traffic.
Measured Round Trip Time.
Encoder buffers in milliseconds. SRT encoder buffers
are unacknowledged stream packets (reception not
confirmed by the receiver/decoder). The encoder
buffer in absence of congestion or packet lost is
around the RTT value. In presence of recoverable
packets lost, the value should be between the RTT
and Latency. Encoder buffers above Latency will most
probably have an impact on the decoder and affect
the user’s experience.
If the Buffer goes to or above the Latency value
often, then there is most likely insufficient bandwidth
to support the desired bitrate. In this case, decrease
your bitrate.
If the Buffer occasionally goes to or above the Latency
Value, then the SRT Latency should be increased.
Maximum of the decoder and encoder configured
Encoder Configured SRT Latency = 750
Decoder Configured SRT Latency = 20
The SRT Stats Latency (which is the current SRT
connection applied Buffering Latency) = 750 (largest
of the two).
At startup, handshake exchanges the value
configured on both sides and the largest one is
The decoder default is set to the minimum (20ms) so
it can be completely controlled from the encoder side.
Streaming Statistic
Description/Values (Cont.)