GD32VF103 User Manual
flag after the writing to SGINAK takes effect.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.
Non-Periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt flag
This interrupt is triggered when the non-periodic transmit FIFO is either half or
completely empty. The threshold is determined by the non-periodic Tx FIFO empty
level bit (TXFTH) in the USBFS_GAHBCS register.
Note: Only accessible in host mode.
Rx FIFO non-empty interrupt flag
USBFS sets this bit when there is at least one packet or status entry in the Rx FIFO.
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.
Start of frame
Host Mode: USBFS sets this bit when it prepares to transmit a SOF or Keep-Alive
on USB bus. Software can clear this bit by writing 1.
Device Mode: USBFS sets this bit after it receives a SOF token. The application can
read the Device Status register to get the current frame number. Software can clear
this bit by writing 1.
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.
OTG interrupt flag
USBFS sets this bit when the flags in USBFS_GOTGINTF register generate an
interrupt. Software should read USBFS_GOTGINTF register to get the source of
this interrupt. This bit is cleared after the flags in USBFS_GOTGINTF causing this
interrupt are cleared.
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.
Mode fault interrupt flag
USBFS sets this bit when software operates host-only register in device mode, or
operates device-mode in host mode. These fault operations
won’t take effect.
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.
Current operation mode
0: Device mode
1: Host mode
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.
Global interrupt enable register (USBFS_GINTEN)
Address offset: 0x0018
Reset value: 0x0000 0000
This register works with the global interrupt flag register (USBFS_GINTF) to interrupt the
application. When an interrupt enable bit is disabled, the interrupt associated with that bit is
not generated. However, the global Interrupt flag register bit corresponding to that interrupt is
still set.