GD32VF103 User Manual
0: Transmit data buffer is not empty
1: Transmit data buffer is empty
Transmission complete
This bit is set after power on. If the TBE bit has been set, this bit is set when the
transmission of current data is complete. An interrupt occurs if the TCIE bit in
USART_CTL0 is set.
Software can clear this bit by writing 0 to it.
0: Transmission of current data is not complete
1: Transmission of current data is complete
Read data buffer not empty
This bit is set when the read data buffer is filled with a data frame, which has been
received through the receive shift register. An interrupt occurs if the RBNEIE bit in
USART_CTL0 is set.
Software can clear this bit by writing 0 to it or by reading the USART_DATA register.
0: Read data buffer is empty
1: Read data buffer is not empty
IDLE frame detected flag
This bit is set when the RX pin has been detected in idle state for a frame time. An
interrupt occurs if the IDLEIE bit in USART_CTL0 is set.
Software can clear this bit by reading the USART_STAT and USART_DATA
registers one by one.
0: The USART module does not detect an IDLE frame
1: The USART module has detected an IDLE frame
Overrun error flag
This bit is set if the RBNE is not cleared and a new data frame is received through
the receive shift register. An interrupt occurs if RBNEIE bit in USART_CTL0 is set.
In multi-processor communication or DMA mode, an interrupt occurs if ERRIE bit in
USART_CTL2 is set.
Software can clear this bit by reading the USART_STAT and USART_DATA
registers one by one.
0: The USART does not detect a overrun error
1: The USART has detected a overrun error
Noise error flag
This bit is set if the USART detects noise on the RX pin when receiving a frame. An
interrupt occurs if the ERRIE bit in USART_CTL2 is set.
Software can clear this bit by reading the USART_STAT and USART_DATA
registers one by one.
0: The USART does not detect a noise error
1: The USART has detected a noise error
Frame error flag
This bit is set when the RX pin is detected low during the stop bits of a receive