2.3.5 Motor Starter Type – Soft starter type
The typical soft starter is used with an external soft starter that ramps the motor speed up to start and down to
stop. Once the motor is ramped up, the soft starter can be bypassed.
Before the motor can be turned ON the “drawer ready switch” must be active. In order to activate the “drawer
ready switch” the following must be done:
All faults and device errors must be cleared using WinESG control panel, Modbus function code 6
registers 65 thru 106 depending on the fault type, Profibus class 1 telegram B2701, or hardwire
(make sure an input is mapped to “reset alarm” in WinESG parameterization / I/O panel). Input
mapping can also be done using Modbus function code 6 registers 194 thru 197.
A valid OFF command must be set on hardwire. Make sure an input is mapped to “command OFF”
in WinESG parameterization/I/O panel or Modbus and it is active.
If the drawer supervision is enabled,
as shown below the drawer supervision hardwire input must
be active.
Remote or local selection must be made via the appropriate source. The first step is to select the
source (Profibus class 1, Modbus or Hardwire) that has the control of the local-remote switch. This
is done in the WinESG parameterization/control panel shown in illustration below.
If Profibus Class 1 is selected as a controlling mechanism, telegram B10008 bit 9 sets the local control and bit
10 sets the remote control. If bit 9 is set, all mechanisms defined as locals can control the motor (ON/OFF). If bit
10 is set, the mechanism defined as remote can control the motor (ON/OFF).
If Modbus is selected as a controlling mechanism, either coil command (function code 05) 10, to select local
control or coil command 11 to select remote control must be issued. If coil command 10 is issued, all
mechanisms defined as locals can control the motor (ON/OFF). If coil command 11 is issued, the mechanism
defined as remote can control the motor (ON/OFF).