4 Functional Description
4.2 Velocity control
4.2.1 Velocity presetting via RS232
In this operating mode, the drive velocity can be controlled with set value presetting via RS232:
Setting: CONTMOD or ENCMOD and SOR0 operating mode
Profile and controller parameters are executed via the FAULHABER basic setting commands (see
chapter 5.1.3 "General parameters"). In particular the acceleration values AC and DEC, the current
limitation values LPC and LCC, as well as the controller parameters POR and I, must be adapted to
the respective application.
The velocity control is executed with the following FAULHABER motion control command:
Command Function
Select Velocity Mode
Activate velocity mode and set specified value as
target velocity (velocity control).
Unit: rpm
Drive motor at 100 rpm:
In order to change the direction of rotation, simply assign a negative velocity value (e.g. V-100). V0
will stop the drive.
Make sure that APL0 is set, if you do not want the drive to stop at the set range limits (LL)! Also
check that the maximum speed SP is not set below the desired target velocity.
Reaching the given speed is indicated by a “v“, if “Notify Velocity“ has been set before starting the
speed mode and ANSW1 or ANSW2 is set:
Command Function
Notify Velocity
A “v” is returned when the nominal speed is reached
or travelled through.
Value: -32 767…32 767
Notify Velocity Off
Velocity command that has not yet been triggered is
deactivated again.
When a speed of 1 000 rpm is reached or passed, a “v” is sent: