4 Functional Description
4.7 Trace function
Data request:
A binary character is sent: [Request]
Depending on the set modes (Commands 200 and 202), 3,5,7 or 9 bytes are sent back to the PC.
201: Request a data package
After setting a mode you must wait at least 2 ms before requesting valid data.
Received data (after request 201):
1.) Mode1 between 0 and 15, Mode2 at 255 (inactive)
3 byte…
1st byte: Low byte data
2nd byte: High byte data
3rd byte: Time code
The data are in Integer16 format.
2.) Mode1 between 16 and 199, Mode2 at 255 (inactive)
3 byte…
Coding as in 1.)
The data are in Unsigned16 format.
3.) Mode1 between 200 and 255, Mode2 at 255 (inactive)
5 byte…
1st byte: Lowest byte data
2nd byte: Second byte data
3rd byte: Third byte data
4th byte: Highest byte data
5th byte: Time code
The data are in Integer32 format.
4.) Mode1 corresponding to 1.), 2.) or 3.) and Mode2 less than 255:
5 - 9 Byte ...Byte 1 to 2 (4): Data bytes of Mode1
Byte 3 (5) to 4 (6) (8): Data bytes of Mode2
Byte 5 (7) (9): Time code
The data bytes of Mode2 are coded as for Mode1.
The time code corresponds to a multiple of the time basis of 1 ms and defines the time interval to
the last transmission. In Compatibility Mode (COMPATIBLE1), the time basis is 9 ms.