3.6 Baud rate and node number
3 Installation
The serial interface must be configured as follows:
8 data bits
1 stop bit
No Parity
The Xon/Xoff protocol must be used for rapid command sequences or transfer of sequence programs
and parameter sets.
The following transfer rates can be set:
600 baud (not supported by Motion Manager)
1200 baud
2400 baud
4800 baud
9600 baud (default)
19200 baud
38400 baud
57600 baud
115200 baud
The setting can be changed via the interface if a connection already exists with the drive node:
Command Function
Select baud rate
Specify transfer rate for RS232 interface
Change transfer rate to 19200 baud:
BAUD 19200
Baud rate
PC and controllers must be set to the same baud rate to enable them to communicate with each
If the baud rate of the controller has been changed, the baud rate of the PC or control must then
also be set to the new baud rate.
If several drives are to be operated on a serial interface, each drive unit must have a unique node
number between 1 and 255.
Command Function
NODEADR Define Node Address
Set node number
Set drive unit to node number 3:
The devices are all delivered with node number 0. To prepare the units for network operation, they
must first be individually connected to the PC and set to the required node address, e.g. with help of
the FAULHABER Motion Manager.