PlasmaQuant MS Series
Removing and Replacing the Nebulizer ..................................................... 30
Cleaning the Concentric Nebulizer ............................................................. 30
Removing and Replacing the Spray chamber ............................................ 31
Replacing the Peristaltic Pump Tubing ...................................................... 32
Removing the Peristaltic Pump Assembly ................................................. 33
Cover Removal Procedures to Access the Gas Control Box ....................... 47
Removal of Sample Introduction PCB ........................................................ 48
Removing Sheath Gas, Nebulizer and Nitrox Mass Flow Controllers ...... 49
Removing the Argon Inlet Manifold with RG1 and RG2 Attached .......... 50
Removing Plasma/Auxiliary Gas Flow Manifold ....................................... 51
Checking Sheath Gas Flow (MFC2) ............................................................ 54
Checking Nebulizer Gas Flow (MFC1) ................................................... 55
Removing and Maintaining the iCRC Box Assembly ............................. 56