PlasmaQuant MS Series
so that they do not have to be configured in the field. Disassembly may damage the
internal O-rings and could induce a vacuum leak.
Setting Rest Mass
The rest mass sets the quadrupole controller output when it is not scanning. The
default rest mass is 145.5 AMU.
Figure 9-13 - Set the quadrupole-rest mass with the mass-scan page of the instrument module
To set the rest mass:
On the Mass scan page of the Aspect MS software, type “koala” as password.
The rest mass sets the quadrupole controller output when it is not scanning. The
default rest mass is 145.5 AMU. This is important to ensure that this is the
current rest mass for the following procedure as this refers us to the 1 o’clock
Adjusting Resonation
You should perform a resonation adjustment:
When installing the instrument.
Any time the quadrupole or the quadrupole controller is removed and replaced.
At each preventative maintenance visit (If needed)
If the system is not correctly resonated:
The spectrometer may fail to scan the upper-mass spectrum.
RF failure errors may occur.