PlasmaQuant MS Series
Firmware action
Set plasma and auxiliary flow to Ignite
Set mass flow controllers to Ignite
Set RF power to ignite
Enable igniter
*If improper ignition detected (current does not reach set
point of 11 A):
Set DC Supply current to 4 A
Set plasma flow to 22.5 L/min
Wait 3 seconds
Re-attempt IGNITE state
Set auxiliary gas to run value
Set mass flow controllers to run
Enable peristaltic pump
Set peristaltic pump to run value
Set RF power to run value
Set Translation Table to run value
Ramp plasma gas to run value
Figure 6-9 - Default ignition parameters
Safety and Operational Information
You must use the methods described in this section when servicing the plasma
generation system. Failure to do so may result in permanent damage to the
instrument or exposure of personnel to potentially dangerous situations.
ALWAYS disconnect the instrument’s mains power cable BEFORE starting to work
on the RF generating system.
NEVER override any micro switch interlock.
ALWAYS ensure that the torch compartment has adequate extraction before
attempting plasma ignition.
DO NOT leave foreign objects (particularly metallic) in the torch compartment.
DO NOT attempt troubleshooting or repairs to the RF generator.