Control System
PlasmaQuant MS Series
The line is under vacuum. Therefore, during troubleshooting, you cannot detect gas
leaks with a leak detector. You must evaluate the iCRC system’s analytical
performance to determine leaks in the system between the iCRC gas box output and
the cones.
Two pressure sensors, mounted on the inlet manifold, monitor gas pressure from the
hydrogen and helium inlet-supply lines. The sensors are connected to the System
Control PCB and provide a voltage feedback proportional to He/H
pressure. Pressures
below the minimum specification range will cause the firmware to trigger the PC
software error:
low/high iCRC (hydrogen/helium) pressure
Figure 5-7 - Assy loom iCRC gas box and Assy loom iCRC MFC
The instrument supplies gases, which then passes through two +24 VDC input gas-
supply solenoids, which are interfaced to the System Control PCB and mounted on the
right side of the iCRC gas manifold that supply gas to two +24 VDC output-gas supply
Figure 5-8 - iCRC gas pathway schematic
The MFC, in the iCRC gas box, supplies 200 mL/min to the skimmer cone and is
manufacturer calibrated to provide controlled flows for hydrogen or helium gas.