Control System
PlasmaQuant MS Series
Instrument Requirements
Plasma Gas
Flow range
Solenoid #1
Solenoid #2
Solenoid #3
Solenoid #4
0 to 22.5 L/m
12.0 L/min
6.0 L/min
3.0 L/min
1.5 L/min
±15% of the desired flow
Incremental adjustment
1.5 L/m
Auxiliary Gas
Flow range
Solenoid #9
Solenoid #8
Solenoid #7
Solenoid #6
0 to 2.25 L/m
0.15 L/min
0.3 L/min
0.6 L/min
1.2 L/min
±15% of the desired flow
Incremental adjustment
0.15 L/m
Mass Flow Controllers (Neb. & Sheath gas)
Input power
+15 VDC @ 80 mA
-15 VDC @ 10 mA
Output signal
0 to 5 VDC
± 1% of full scale
Calibration gas
Flow range
0 to 1.5 L/m
Incremental adjustment
0.01 L/m
Table 5 - Instrument gas control specifications
There are three Mass flow controllers fitted to the gas box:
MFC3 controls nitrox gas flow
MFC2 controls the sheath gas flow
MFC1 controls the nebulizer gas flow
This section contains procedures for the access, removal, replacement and
maintenance of field serviceable components and assemblies of the gas control unit.
With all procedures, the instrument power must be off and the instrument should be
in a safe condition.
To get access to the gas box components, follow the appropriate steps in the gas box
assembly removal procedure.