DES-1228/ME Layer 2 Metro Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show 802.1x auth_configuration
Used to display the current configuration of the 802.1X server on the Switch.
show 802.1x auth_configuration {ports <auth_portlist>}
show 802.1x auth_configuration
command is used to display the 802.1X Port-
based or Host-based Network Access control local users currently configured on the
ports <auth_portlist>
Specifies a port or range of ports to view.
The following details are displayed:
802.1x Enabled / Disabled
Shows the current status of 802.1X functions on the Switch.
Authentication Mode
– Shows the authentication mode, whether it be by MAC address or
by port.
Authentication Protocol
Shows the authentication protocol suite in use between the
Switch and a RADIUS server. May read
Port number
Shows the physical port number on the Switch.
Capability: Authenticator/None
Shows the capability of 802.1X functions on the port
number displayed above. There are two 802.1X capabilities that can be set on the Switch:
Authenticator and None.
AdminCtlDir: Both / In
Shows whether a controlled Port that is unauthorized will exert
control over communication in both receiving and transmitting directions, or just the
receiving direction.
OpenCtlDir: Both / In
Shows whether a controlled Port that is unauthorized will exert
control over communication in both receiving and transmitting directions, or just the
receiving direction.
Port Control: ForceAuth / ForceUnauth / Auto
Shows the administrative control over the
port’s authorization status. ForceAuth forces the Authenticator of the port to become
Authorized. ForceUnauth forces the port to become Unauthorized.
This is the initialization value of the quiet period timer. The default value is
60s and can be any value between 0-65535.
This us the initialization value of the tx timer. The default value is 30s and can
be any value between 1-65535.
Shows the time to wait for a response from a supplicant (user) for all EAP
packets, except for the Request / Identity packets.
Shows the length of time to wait for a response from a RADIUS server.
Shows the maximum number of times to retry sending packets to the
Shows the time interval between successive re-authentications.
ReAuthenticate: Enabled / Disabled
Shows whether or not to re-authenticate.
Example usage:
To display the 802.1X authentication states:
DES-1228/ME:4#show 802.1x auth_configuration ports 1
Command: show 802.1x auth_configuration ports 1
802.1X : Enabled
Authentication Mode : Port_based
Authentication Protocol : Radius_EAP