DES-1228/ME Layer 2 Metro Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The DES-1228/ME implements IEEE 802.1X Port-based and Host-based Access Control. This mechanism is intended to allow
only authorized users, or other network devices, access to network resources by establishing criteria for each port on the Switch
that a user or network device must meet before allowing that port to forward or receive frames.
enable 802.1x
disable 802.1x
show 802.1x auth_state
{ports <auth_portlist>}
show 802.1x auth_configuration
{ports <auth_portlist>}
config 802.1x capability ports
[<auth_portlist> | all] [authenticator | none]
config 802.1x auth_parameter ports
[ <portlist> |all] [default | {direction [both|in] | port_control
[force_unauth|auto|force_auth] | quiet_period <sec 0-65535> | tx_period <sec
1-65535> | supp_timeout <sec 1-65535> | server_timeout <sec 1-65535> |
max_req <value 1-10> | reauth_period <sec 1-65535> | enable_reauth
config 802.1x auth_protocol
[radius_eap | local]
config 802.1x init
{port_based ports [<auth_portlist> | all] | mac_based [ports] [<auth_portlist>
|all] {mac_address <macaddr>}]
config 802.1x auth_mode
[port_based | mac_based]
config 802.1x reauth
{port_based ports [<portlist> | all] | mac_based [ports] [<portlist> | all]
{mac_address <macaddr>}]
config radius add
<server_index 1-3> <server_ip> key <passwd 32> [ default |
{ auth_port<udp_port_number 1-65535> | acct_port <udp_port_number 1-
config radius delete
<server_index 1-3>
config radius
<server_index 1-3> {ipaddress <server_ip> |key <passwd 32> | auth_port <
udp_port_number 1-65535> | acct_port <udp_port_number 1-65535>}(1)
config radius parameter
{timeout <int 1-255> | retransmit <int 1-255>}(1)
show radius
create 802.1x guest_vlan
<vlan_name 32>
config 802.1x guest_vlan ports
[<portlist> | all] state [enable | disable]
delete 802.1x guest_vlan
{<vlan_name 32>}
show 802.1x guest_vlan
show auth_statistics
{ports <auth_portlist>}
show auth_diagnostics
{ports <auth_portlist>}
show auth_session_statistics
{ports <auth_portlist>}
show auth_client
show acct_client
create 802.1x user
<username 15>
delete 802.1x user
<username 15>