Crystal Vision
TANDEM-200 User Manual R1.7
Mode 2
Mode 2 uses all module resources for a single SDI path to provide support for shuffling
audio channels between two embedded audio groups and up to eight external mono (or
four stereo) audio channels.
TANDEM-200 in Mode 2
Mode 2 provides the following functions:
embedder and de-embedder for two audio groups
audio can be re-routed and re-embedded from embedded input or
analogue/digital external audio (option card dependent)
audio can be re-routed from either of two audio groups to analogue/digital
audio outputs (option card dependent)
If no audio option cards are fitted, the module can still be used to ‘shuffle’ embedded
audio channels. Eight audio channels from any two embedded audio groups can be
routed to any audio channels on two audio groups in the same SDI path.
There is one delay module available on each side, this means that delay can be assigned
to an output router or an embed router but not to both on the same side.
Mode 2 supports only a single SDI path , but remember that de-embedder A and
embedder C belong to ‘side 1’, de-embedder B and embedder D belong to ‘side 2’.
Routing between video paths is only possible with Mode 3.
Mode 2 provides four identical SDI outputs, two from the SDI 1 BNC and two from the
SDI 2 BNC. The SDI 2 input BNC is not used.