Crystal Vision
Statesman operation in mode 4
TANDEM-200 User Manual R1.7
Using the Embed routers
Once de-embedding and embedding groups have been chosen, routing can be selected
with the embed and/or output router for each side.
Side 1 Embedding Router for mode 4
Sources for the ‘C’ embedder on side 1 can be routed from the ‘A’ de-embedder on side 1
and/or channels 1 & 2 from any external ‘G’ input option card.
Side 2 Embedding Router for mode 4
Sources for the ‘D’ embedder on side 2 can be routed from the ‘B’ de-embedder on side 2
and/or channels 3&4 any external ‘G’ input option card.
Route source to destinations by clicking on crosspoint squares in the matrix. Selections
made will turn dark red. Invalid selections will be rejected and returned to the last valid
selection. Click on the Salvo button when finished. Valid selections will turn bright red
and new source-destination assignments will be loaded into the embed routing table.
The warning text ‘delay not available (embedder off)’, may be shown to indicate that
delay will not be available to an embed router (even if delay boxes can be checked) if the
associated embedder (C for side 1 and D for side 2) has been turned off. This occurs
because there is only one delay function available on each TANDEM-200 side.
To assign delay to an embedder ensure that a group (1 - 4) has been selected in the Audio
Groups Out section for the appropriate TANDEM-200 side. Selecting ‘none’ for no
embedded audio group turns off the embed function and releases the delay function to the
output router.