Crystal Vision
Problem solving
TANDEM-200 User Manual R1.7
11 Problem solving
Trouble shooting may be performed by using the card edge or remote status panel
displays. In addition audio monitoring of input and output busses is provided from both
the card edge headphone socket and the multi-way socket on the RM04 rear connector.
11.1 Card edge status LEDs
Board edge LEDs provide status reporting and may be useful when fault finding.
The following table summarises the card edge LED functions and colours:
Power rail
Led Colour
+3 volt power supply rail OK
+5 volt power supply rail OK
11.2 Card edge error messages
If option cards are fitted incorrectly, the following error messages will appear
wrong ip L
Left sub-pcb (input type) is incorrect
wrong op R
Right sub-pcb (output type) is incorrect
no ip pcb
No input sub-pcb fitted
no op pcb
No output sub-pcb fitted
PCBs swap!
Input and output pcbs have been swapped L<->R
AIP not B
AIP2 card is the wrong format
More than one menu switch in the DOWN position
RS fitted
RS4 detected (not Mode 3)
No dc-dc converter fitted (when analogue i/o)
It is very important to watch the card edge display during the power-up sequence for
error messages. However, some card edge warnings appear only momentarily. For
example, the presence of an RS4 in any Mode other than 3 will produce the error
message ‘RS fitted’ prior to TANDEM’s power-up configuration. No other warning will
be given. An RS4 option card does not provide external connections.