Crystal Vision
Problem solving
TANDEM-200 User Manual R1.7
Sample problems and their solution:
The Power OK LEDs are not illuminated
Check that the frame PSU is functioning – refer to the appropriate frame manual for
detailed information
There is no video output
Check that valid SDI inputs are present and that any cabling is intact
There are no audio outputs
Check for audio signals using headphones connected to the front PCB mini jack
Check that functioning analogue or digital audio output cards are fitted securely
Check that any audio cabling is intact
The digital audio output produces clicks and pops in downstream equipment
Check that an appropriate external reference synchronous with both the incoming SDI video
and the system audio clock is connected
Check that the downstream equipment is properly referenced to the system audio reference
The digital audio is not timed with the video (lip sync error)
Check the digital audio delay for each TANDEM channel
Audio phase is incorrect
Check digital audio phase inversion is not selected, or if not set, then select it
The rear audio monitoring does not work
Check that the rear audio BUS is set to ON
Audio has been selected for embedding but fails to be inserted
Check that there is sufficient valid HANC space for the insertion to take place
Refer to the Trouble Shooting menus on the next pages for further help
Mode change is not recognised by Statesman
To prevent Stateman’s database from being corrupted during a mode change delete the icon
for the card whilst it is configuring for the new mode (or when the module is removed from
the frame). Then exit Statesman and re-load it – the module will be recognised and the new
mode will be active.
If necessary, unplug the card after the mode change and then delete its icon in Statesman.
Mode 4 change is rejected
Check that the option cards are issue ‘B’
Try changing mode to mode 1 and then attempt to enter mode 4