Crystal Vision
TANDEM-200 User Manual R1.7
Mode 3
Mode 3 is designed to allow embedded audio to be transferred from one video stream to
another with an optional delay of 681 milliseconds. For fully synchronous applications no
piggyback modules are required. For asynchronous inputs, such as standards converters or
frame synchronisers, one or two RS4 re-sampler modules can be fitted.
Mode 3 is referred to as ‘Audio Bridge’ since it can easily be used to bypass video
processing equipment such as a DVE or ARC that does not pass embedded audio.
TANDEM-200 in Mode 3
Mode 3 provides the following functions:
de-embedder, delay and embedder for two audio groups
optional re-sample option for asynchronous input and output signals, including
different line standards
When re-sampling is fitted and enabled, the SDI 1 path (up to the RS4 input) is totally
independent and isolated from the SDI 2 and RS4 output. However, re-sampling can be
disabled to optimise processing for non-linear or compressed audio such as Dolby-E.
If re-sampling is fitted but disabled, all audio processing is clocked at 48kHz synthesised
from the SDI 2 input.
The bridging of non linear or compressed audio data, such as Dolby E, can be processed
ONLY when both input and output SDI signals are synchronous, one with the other.
Only linear audio (normal digital audio) can be re-sampled, thus permitting the use of
asynchronous SDI signals.
Mode 3 does not support the use of external audio inputs.