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Broadcast Pix
6.5.5 Controlling External DDR
When a show contains the External DDR, one of the 4 wildcard device PixButtons in
the upper right corner of the panel will show the DDR as illustrated below.
To Control the External DDR
1. Press the above
PixButton in the Device
Control and it will illuminate orange.
The device controls will show the 4
channels for control, as shown below.
The large display will also say DDR
or OMN in it’s top left corner, to let
you know the device controls are
now assigned to this device.
2. To access the first channel of DDR,
press the
PixButton, and the
PixPad will change to show the first 9
clips on this channel as shown below,
including the name of each clip on
the button.
As with other devices you may select
from additional clips by pressing the
[Next] PixButton or by using the
numeric keypad, see sections 6.1.1
and 6.1.3.