install - concepts - PixMaster - switcher - CG - clips - controls - team - appendix
Broadcast Pix
In the Content field, add
key/value pairs
for each layer of text or graphics in your
template that you might like to replace.
For example, if your template has two lines
of text with the news tags "line1" and
"line2", and an image with the news tag
"image", then your script template should
look like this:
<cg id="" template="2line-seg" line1=""
line2="" image="">
NOTE: You must use the exact tag names
given in TitleMotion.
In the example above, all of the values are
blank, but if you'd like to enter some
default values to override those in the
template, you can:
<cg id="" template="2line-seg" line1="Ron
Burgundy" line2="Channel 4 News"
NOTE: Paths to graphics can be absolute
paths like "C:\Graphics\ron.png", or
relative paths like "..\ron.png" or "ron.png".
When using a relative path, the path is
relative to the original image used in the
.SCRIBE template.
Click the
button to save the new script
NOTE: You must repeat these steps for all
of your title and graphic templates.