Troubleshooting: BlackBerry Enterprise
Server Performance
A BlackBerry Enterprise Server that you installed
remotely from the BlackBerry Configuration Database
uses an unexpected amount of system resources and
increases wireless network traffic
Possible cause
Once daily, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server uses the BlackBerry Mailstore Service to refresh the user information from
your organization's address book in the BlackBerry Configuration Database. If multiple BlackBerry Enterprise Server
instances are associated with a BlackBerry Configuration Database, each BlackBerry Enterprise Server instance tries to
use a BlackBerry Mailstore Service to refresh the address book information in the BlackBerry Configuration Database. The
first BlackBerry Mailstore Service that starts the refresh process is responsible for completing it.
If the BlackBerry Mailstore Service that is responsible for completing the refresh process is associated with a BlackBerry
Enterprise Server that is geographically remote from the BlackBerry Configuration Database, the BlackBerry Mailstore
Service can take an unexpected amount of time to complete the refresh process. The refresh process can use an
unexpected amount of system resources and increase wireless network traffic.
Possible solution
You can use TraitTool.exe to turn off the address book refresh feature for BlackBerry Enterprise Server instances that are
geographically remote from the BlackBerry Configuration Database. As a result, BlackBerry Enterprise Server instances
that are located geographically close to the BlackBerry Configuration Database can use the BlackBerry Mailstore Service to
refresh the user information from your organization's address book in the BlackBerry Configuration Database.
TraitTool.exe is located in the Tools directory on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server installation media.
1. At the command prompt, navigate to the folder that
is located in.
2. Type:
TraitTool -host
-trait MailstoreAddressRefreshEnabled -set False
, where
is the name of the
BlackBerry Enterprise Server instance.
3. Press ENTER.
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