Delete a VPN profile
Before you begin:
Verify that the VPN profile is not assigned to a user account or associated with a Wi-Fi profile.
In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the
BlackBerry solution management
menu, expand
Policy > Wi-Fi
Manage VPN profiles
Click the name of a VPN profile.
Delete profile
Yes - Delete the profile
Importing profile information from a .csv file
You can update the Wi-Fi profiles and VPN profiles that you want to assign to user accounts and the user names and
passwords for the profiles by importing a .csv file using the BlackBerry Administration Service. When you import profile
information from a file, you can configure the profile information for multiple user accounts at the same time.
The .csv file must contain the following information:
• user accounts that you want to update
• names of profiles that you want to change
• whether you want to add, remove, or change the profiles
Best practices: Creating a .csv file that contains profile
information that you want to import
Consider the following guidelines:
• Specify only one action that you want the BlackBerry Enterprise Server to perform in each row of the file.
• To assign more than one action to a user account, create multiple rows for the user account.
• If you are using a text editor to create the .csv file, include a comma (,) after the value that appears in each field in each
row. If a field does not contain a value, include only a comma in the field.
• If you are using a text editor to create the .csv file, include a character return at the end of each row.
Administration Guide
Creating and configuring Wi-Fi profiles and VPN profiles