Configuring BlackBerry
Configuration Database high
You can configure BlackBerry Configuration Database high availability by configuring database mirroring. Database
mirroring requires that you configure a principal BlackBerry Configuration Database instance and a mirror BlackBerry
Configuration Database. The BlackBerry Enterprise Server and BlackBerry Enterprise Server components can connect to
the principal BlackBerry Configuration Database, and, if the principal BlackBerry Configuration Database stops
responding, they can connect to a mirror BlackBerry Configuration Database automatically.
If your organization's environment does not support database mirroring, you can configure transactional replication. When
you configure transactional replication and the BlackBerry Configuration Database stops responding, you must connect
the BlackBerry Enterprise Server and BlackBerry Enterprise Server components to the replicated BlackBerry Configuration
Database manually.
Prerequisites: Configuring database
mirroring or database replication of the
BlackBerry Configuration Database
• Install the same version and build of Microsoft SQL Server for the mirror or replicated database server that you installed
for the principal database server.
• Configure the database servers to permit access from remote computers.
• Verify that the Microsoft SQL Server Agent uses a domain user account with the local administrative permissions set to
the same permissions as the Windows account that runs the BlackBerry Enterprise Server services.
• Verify that the domain user account has permissons on both database servers so that each Microsoft SQL Server Agent
can access the shared replication folder.
• Configure the database server that will host the mirror or replicated BlackBerry Configuration Database with the same
permissions that you configured on the database server that hosts the prinicipal BlackBerry Configuration Database.
• Verify that the DNS server is running.
Administration Guide
Configuring BlackBerry Configuration Database high availability