3500/42 Operation and Maintenance
* Enabled Mon Alarm Byp (Enabled Monitor Alarm Bypass)
Event Number: 426
Event Classification: Typical logged event
Action: No action required.
Monitor Module will stop alarming.
Disabled Mon Alarm Byp
(Disabled Monitor Alarm Bypass)
Event Number: 427
Event Classification: Typical logged event
Action: No action required.
* Fail Slot Id Test
Event Number: 461
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Verify that the Monitor Module is fully inserted in the rack. If the
Monitor Module is installed correctly, check to see if one of the
following components is faulty:
- the Monitor Module
- the rack backplane
Monitor Module will stop alarming.
Pass Slot Id Test
Event Number: 462
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Verify that the Monitor Module is fully inserted in the rack. If the
Monitor Module is installed correctly, check to see if one of the
following components is faulty:
- the Monitor Module
- the rack backplane
* Enabled Test Signal
Event Number: 481
Event Classification: Typical logged event
Action: No action required.
Monitor Module will stop alarming.
Disabled Test Signal
Event Number: 482
Event Classification: Typical logged event
Action: No action required.
Switch To Primary Kph
Event Number: 491
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Event Specific:
Ch pair x
Action: Check to see if one of the following is faulty:
- the secondary Keyphasor® transducer on the machine
- the Monitor Module
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