3500/42 Operation and Maintenance
6. Troubleshooting
This section describes how to troubleshoot a problem with the
Proximitor®/Seismic Monitor or the I/O module by using the information provided
by the self-test, the LED’s, the System Event List, and the Alarm Event List.
6.1 Self-test
To perform the Proximitor/Seismic Monitor self-test:
1. Connect a computer running the Rack Configuration Software to the 3500
rack (if needed).
2. Select Utilities from the main screen of the Rack Configuration Software.
3. Select System Events/Module Self-test from the Utilities menu.
4. Press the Module Self-test button on the System Events screen.
Application Alert
Machinery protection will
be lost while the self-test
is being performed.
5. Select the slot that contains the Proximitor/Seismic Monitor and press the OK
button. The Proximitor/Seismic Monitor will perform a full self-test and the
System Events screen will be displayed. The list will not contain the results
of the self-test.
6. Wait 30 seconds for the module to run a full self-test.
7. Press the Latest Events button. The System Events screen will be updated
to include the results of the Proximitor/Seismic Monitor self-test.
8. Verify if the Proximitor/Seismic Monitor passed the self-test. If the monitor
failed the self-test, refer to Section 6.3 (System Event List Messages).
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