3500/42 Operation and Maintenance
6. Select the monitor you want to adjust. The Monitor screen will appear.
7. Select the Options button under the appropriate Channel. The configured
Channel Options screen will appear.
8. Select the Customize button in the Transducer Selection box. A Transducer
screen will appear.
9. Enter a value for scale factor in the Scale Factor box. If you go to the Adjust
screen by selecting Adjust, be sure to adjust the input to the channel away
from the Zero Position so you can adjust the scale factor and see the results.
10. Return to the 3500 System Configuration screen by clicking on the OK
buttons of the successive screens. The new scale factor is now added to the
configuration for this channel.
11. Download the new configuration to the appropriate monitor by selecting
Download from the File menu. The new setting for scale factor will take
effect when the "Download successful" prompt appears.
Zero Position Adjustment Description
When adjusting the Zero Position voltage, you are
defining the transducer voltage corresponding to the
position of the zero indication on a bar graph display
(refer to the adjacent figure).
For maximum amount of zero adjustment, gap the
transducer as close as possible to the ideal zero
position voltage based on the full-scale range and
transducer scale factor. For a mid-scale zero, as in
the example, the ideal gap is the center of the range.
The tables below specify the center of the range for
each transducer and monitor type.
Thrust Position
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