3500/42 Operation and Maintenance
Alarm Event List Messages
The following Alarm Event List Messages are returned by the Proximitor/Seismic
Alarm Event List
When the message will occur
Entered Alert / Alarm 1
Left Alert / Alarm 1
Entered Danger / Alarm 2
Left Danger / Alarm 2
Entered not OK
Left not OK
A proportional value in the channel has
entered Alert / Alarm 1 and changed the
channel Alert / Alarm 1 status
A proportional value in the channel has
left Alert / Alarm 1 and changed the
channel Alert / Alarm 1 status
A proportional value in the channel has
entered Danger / Alarm 2 and changed
the channel Danger / Alarm 2 status
A proportional value in the channel has
left Danger / Alarm 2 and changed the
channel Danger / Alarm 2 status
module went not OK
module returned to the OK state
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