3500/42 Operation and Maintenance
channel not OK condition and the OK Relay to change state (de-energize). The
Upper and Lower OK limits are displayed in the Verification screen on the test
1. Disconnect PWR, COM, and SIG field wiring from the channel terminals on
the I/O module.
2. Connect test equipment and run software as described in Section
(Test Equipment and Software Setup - Thrust Position and Differential
3. Bypass all other configured channels.
4. Adjust the power supply voltage to -7.00 Vdc.
5. Press the RESET switch on the Rack Interface Module (RIM). Verify that the
monitor OK LED is on and that the Channel OK State line in the Channel
Status box of the Verification screen reads OK.
If the Danger Bypass has been activated, then the BYPASS LED will be on.
All other channels in the rack must be OK or bypassed for the OK relay to be
6. Verify that the OK relay on the Rack Interface I/O Module indicates OK
(energized). See 3500/20 Rack Interface Module Operation and
Maintenance Manual, part number 129768-01.
7. Increase the power supply voltage (more negative) until the OK LED just
goes off (upper limit). Verify that the Channel OK State line in the Channel
Status box reads not OK and that the OK Relay indicates not OK. Verify that
the Upper OK limit voltage displayed on the Verification screen is equal to or
more positive than the input voltage.
8. Decrease the power supply voltage (less negative) to -7.00 Vdc.
9. Press the RESET switch on the Rack Interface Module (RIM). Verify that the
OK LED comes back on, the OK relay energizes, and the Channel OK State
line in the Channel Status box reads OK.
10. Gradually decrease the power supply voltage (less negative) until the OK
LED just goes off (lower limit). Verify that the Channel OK State line in the
Channel Status box reads not OK and that the OK Relay indicates not OK.
Verify that the Lower OK limit voltage displayed on the Verification screen is
equal to or more negative than the input voltage.
11. Increase the power supply voltage (more negative) to -7.00 Vdc.
12. Press the RESET switch on the Rack Interface Module (RIM). Verify that the
OK LED comes back on, the OK relay energizes, and the Channel OK State
line in the Channel Status box reads OK.
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