3500/42 Operation and Maintenance
5. Set the proportional value that the recorder is configured for to bottom-scale.
Verify that the recorder output is reading 4 mA
1 %.
6. Disconnect transducer input and verify that the recorder output is matches the
set monitor clamp value
1 %.
7. If you can not verify the recorder output, the recorder configuration and
connections should be checked. If the monitor recorder output still does not
verify properly, go to Section 5.1.11 (If a Channel Fails a Verification Test).
8. Disconnect the multimeter and reconnect the COM and REC field wiring to
the channel terminals on the I/O module.
9. Repeat steps 1 through 8 for all configured recorder channels.
5.1.11 If a Channel Fails a Verification Test
When handling or replacing circuit boards, always be sure to adequately protect
against damage from Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). Always wear a proper wrist
strap and work on a grounded conductive work surface.
1. Save the configuration for the module using the Rack Configuration Software.
2. Replace the module with a spare. Refer to the installation section in the 3500
Monitoring System Rack Installation and Maintenance Manual (part number
3. Return the faulty board to Bently Nevada Corporation for repair.
4. Download the configuration for the spare module using the Rack
Configuration Software.
5. Verify the operation of the spare.
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