3500/42 Operation and Maintenance
Calculating Verification Frequency
The procedures for verifying channel values and corner frequencies require that
you use the following formulas to calculate the verification frequency:
Find the center of the Band-pass frequency range. Input the configured High-
pass Filter Corner Frequency and the Low-pass Filter Corner Frequency into the
formula below:
Vibration Frequency = (0.89
HPF) + (0.1575
HPF = High-pass Filter Corner Frequency
LPF = Low-pass Filter Corner Frequency
If no filtering is configured, set the frequency of the function generator to 100 Hz.
If a Low-pass Filter is configured and no High-pass Filter is configured, use the
following to determine the HPF to use in the formula:
If the units are RMS, use a HPF of 10 Hz. For any other configuration, use a
HPF of 3 Hz.
If a High-pass Filter is configured and no Low-pass Filter is configured, use a
LPF of 5,500 Hz.
Calculating the Input Voltage for Full-scale
The procedures for verifying channel values and corner frequencies require that
you use the following formulas to calculate the input voltage for Full-scale. To
find the Full-scale input voltage, use appropriate table or formula for integrated or
non-integrated units.
Use the Transducer Scale Factor displayed in the Scale Factor Box on the
Verification screen.
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