Pagis Pro User’s Guide
In addition, the Pagis ToolBar, Pagis SendTo Bar, and
Thumbnails commands are provided to control the display of
these Pagis-related options in the Pagis Inbox view (refer to
Figure 4–1).
Refer to “Document thumbnails” later in this chapter for more
information about the Thumbnails feature.
Pagis menu
The Pagis menu (Figure 4–3) provides access to all the same tools
that are on the Pagis ToolBar (Scan, Copy, Fax, and so on). It also
lets you launch the Pagis ToolBar as a standalone application.
Commands to access
Pagis ToolBar tools
Register a program for
drag-and-drop purposes
Command to prepare the
TextBridge OCR process
Run the Pagis ToolBar as
a standalone program
Figure 4–3. Pagis menu in the Pagis Inbox
In addition, the Pagis menu provides access to the Pagis Drag
and Drop Registration Wizard. The wizard helps you define
(or change) the conversion process that happens when you drag
and drop a Pagis document to another program.
For more information about Drag and Drop Registration, see
“Adding applications to the SendTo Bar” later in this chapter.
Finally, the OCR Settings... command lets you change the
TextBridge OCR defaults when you drag and drop a document.
For related information, see “Running OCR on a document” in
Chapter 3.