Only counterhold at camshaft with 27 mm open-end spanner
-arrow-. The camshaft bar - T10068 A- must not be fitted when
camshaft adjuster is loosened or tightened.
– Unscrew securing bolts -1- and -2- and then unscrew guide
rail -3-.
The timing chain must be held by its bottom cover in order to hold
it in position on the sprocket of the oil pump. The timing chain
cannot jump over.
– Remove camshaft adjusters from camshafts.
– Remove timing chain from sprocket for high-pressure pump.
– Unscrew securing bolts -arrows- and pull valve timing housing
off camshafts.
– Cover camshafts -arrows- with clean paper strips and wind
adhesive tape around ends.
CC 2012 ➤ , Passat 2011 ➤ , Passat Variant 2011 ➤
6-cylinder direct-injection engine (3.6 l engine, 4V) - Edition 06.2019
Rep. gr.15 - Cylinder head, valve gear