– Disconnect the following plug connectors:
1 - Hall sender - G40-
2 - Inlet camshaft control valve 1 - N205-
3 - Hall sender 2 - G163-
4 - Exhaust camshaft control valve 1 - N318-
– Remove vacuum pump
– Remove coolant pipes from cover.
– Remove the securing bolts for the cover -arrows- and remove
the cover.
– Remove noise insulation ⇒ General body repairs, exterior;
Rep. gr. 66 ; Noise insulation; Assembly overview - noise in‐
sulation .
– Turn crankshaft in direction of engine rotation to TDC No. 1
cylinder marking from below using counterhold - T10172- .
Cams -A- of cylinder 1 must face each other.
CC 2012 ➤ , Passat 2011 ➤ , Passat Variant 2011 ➤
6-cylinder direct-injection engine (3.6 l engine, 4V) - Edition 06.2019
4. Valve gear