1 - Bolt
❑ 6 Nm
❑ Secured to intake mani‐
2 - Guide tube
❑ for oil dipstick
❑ Secured with bolt to in‐
take manifold.
3 - Cylinder block
❑ Crankshaft
❑ Pistons and conrods
4 - O-ring
❑ Renew
❑ Lubricate before as‐
5 - Oil pump
❑ with pressure relief
❑ Remove gearbox to re‐
move oil pump.
❑ Removing and installing
oil pump
6 - Sprockets
❑ For timing chain
❑ Removing and installing
❑ Install camshaft adjust‐
er with timing chain for
camshaft drive
7 - Bolt
❑ 60 Nm +
/4 turn (90°) further
❑ Renew
8 - Bolt
❑ 8 Nm
❑ Install with locking fluid
9 - Sealing ring
❑ Renew
❑ Lubricate before assembling.
10 - Oil spray jet
❑ For crankshaft bearings 2 to 7
❑ For piston cooling
❑ Opening pressure: 2.0 bar
❑ Removing and installing
11 - Sealing ring
❑ Renew if damaged
❑ Lubricate before assembling.
12 - Oil intake tube
❑ Clean strainer if soiled
CC 2012 ➤ , Passat 2011 ➤ , Passat Variant 2011 ➤
6-cylinder direct-injection engine (3.6 l engine, 4V) - Edition 06.2019
1. Sump, oil pump