Page 36
Program 3: Unwrapped Delicate Instruments
For unwrapped delicate instruments, when the instrument
manufacturer recommends autoclaving at temperatures of 249.8°F
(121°C) and no drying stage is required (1-minute drying is still
required to remove residual steam from the chamber).
Nominal parameters default settings
Sterilization temperature: 249.8ºF (121ºC)
Sterilization time: 20 minutes.
Drying Time: 1 minute (may be increased by the operator (see sec.
5.1.1), other parameters are set and cannot be altered).
Operations sequence:
Air-removal stage: a series of vacuum pulses are performed.
Heating stage: steam is injected into the chamber, from the steam
generator, until the sterilization temperature is reached.
Sterilization phase: temperature and pressure are maintained constant
at the pre-set level during the sterilization time.
Fast exhaust: steam is exhausted out of the chamber at a fast rate until
pressure decreases to ambient pressure.
Drying for 1 minute to remove residual steam from the chamber.
The sterility of instruments processed in unwrapped cycles cannot be
maintained if exposed to non-sterile environment.